Paige Cooper for VP Admin
Hey, don't worry - I totally agree with you. Just because I spend ninety-five percent of my time drunk or unconscious doesn't mean that I don't share your concerns. As a candidate for the position of VP Admin, I'm even more aware of the shortcomings of the SUB's present space use, alcohol policies and expenditure of funds. When you mourn the desperate lack of 7 to 11am beer gardens, I commiserate. How's a kid supposed to get through an 8am math class without knocking back a couple of $2 beers, first? And what's with the abnormally high prices? Who can afford $2 beers? Any university student worth the name would have to spend 20 bucks per binge, at that rate. This is why I promise to lower beer prices to fifty cents each until 2030, based on the calculations I've done, which state that selling the AMS' art collection, replacing Subcetera with a Cold Beer & Wine store, and renting out the SUB council chambers as a den of promiscuity and excess would subsidize such a price cut. And speaking of promiscuity - the Pit & the Gallery aren't nearly as conducive to trolling for members of the opposite sex as they should be. A stronger dress code (and by 'stronger' I mean 'skimpier') is completely in order in both establishments. And if appearing in public in stilettos and lingerie makes you nervous: drink more beer. It's good for the ego.
So as you spend the next two weeks listening to gangs of well-dressed student politicians telling you that their interests lie with yours, remember what your interests really are. Beer. Acquiring beer. Drinking beer with people wearing very little clothing.
A vote for RBF, darling, is a vote for you.